An Emergency Protection Order is a type of restraining order between family members that can immediately be put into effect. The order provides for the immediate protection of victims of domestic violence, child abuse, stalking, harassment, and other types of crimes. An Emergency Protection Order (EPO) may be required if violence or threatening behavior occurs between family members and there is a need for immediate protection. It can also be used to remove an offender from your home and prevent their return. A Restraining Order in family violence situations applies to people who have lived together in a relationship and where the other party does not need to be notified. This is often the proper remedy when people are afraid for their physical safety, and in most instances, you can get the order the same day. While restraining orders are usually in place for 3 months, they can also be made permanent, if necessary.
Resolve Legal Group’s lawyers have substantial trial and courtroom experience dealing with applications filed under the Protection Against Family Violence Act and can help you in seeking the necessary order for your situation.